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The BoldGrid Crio Customizer provides an easy way to keep fonts consistent across your site.

Main Text

The first setting we will look at is Main Text. The selections here will be applied to most of the text on your website, as it affects normal paragraphs.

  • In the Dashboard, navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu, open the Fonts panel
  • Using the controls, select your font family, font variant, font size, line height, letter spacing and text transform

You also have an option to download the font to your WordPress installation, as opposed to using the Google CDN. Now that you have selected the main text style for your website the next step is customizing the Headings.


The Headings Typography section globally controls all of your headings on your site using a base font size. These are the h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 elements on the site.

  • In the Dashboard, navigate to Appearance → Customize
  • In the Customizer menu, open the Fonts panel
  • The font size you enter will be used for h5 elements
  • The Font Size value can range from 12px-50px
  • Based on your setting, the theme will calculate the corresponding h1 – h6 sizes
  • If you need to style each heading separately, use the custom CSS

For example, the Font Size of 14px results in the following heading sizes:

  • h1 : 36px
  • h2 : 30px
  • h3 : 24px
  • h4 : 18px
  • h5 : 14px (Customizer value)
  • h6 : 12px

This panel contains the same settings as main text with an additional color control. The Heading Color selected here will be used for h1 – h6 tags on your site background. This means the page, post, and archive headings and anywhere else that color is used in the content. The selected font will appear on all headings.

Responsive Typography

BoldGrid Crio allows you to use different font sizes on different device sizes. We recommend using larger font sizes on desktop and smaller on mobile for optimal user experience.

You can enter a responsive font size for large displays, desktop, tablet, and mobile. If a value is not entered, the main font size will be used.

To see your new font sizes, use the device preview icons at the bottom of the Customizer. The live preview will update to show you the sizes.


Remove Auto-Hyphens for headings

Crio contains a wide array of Font customization features, but one particular behavior you might have trouble changing is how heading elements break down on smaller screens. Crio is set to break up longer words in your headings and add hyphens to them as the available screen real estate shrinks by default, but there are particular use cases where you might want to change this configuration. Unfortunately there isn’t a control within the theme Customization interface to make such a change, but this alteration can be accomplished with a little Custom CSS know-how.

The following snippet will deactivate the automatic word breaks and hyphens normally added by Crio to all website headings:

.palette-primary .h1, .palette-primary .h2, .palette-primary .h3, .palette-primary .h4, .palette-primary .h5, .palette-primary .h6, .palette-primary h1, .palette-primary h2, .palette-primary h3, .palette-primary h4, .palette-primary h5, .palette-primary h6 {
    word-wrap: normal;
    hyphens: manual;
    -webkit-hyphens: manual;




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12 thoughts on “Working with Fonts in BoldGrid Crio

  1. Hello,
    My theme doesn’t seem to have auto-hyphenating for smaller screens. Is there a way to add it in?
    As a part workaround, I tried setting the Responsive Font Size for different devices, but it only changed the very first header on a page – the remaining headers stayed the original size.
    Can you help?
    Many thanks!

      • Hi Brandon,
        Actually my issue is that my theme *doesn’t* have auto-hyphening, and I want to have it!
        Is there a way to turn ON the auto-hyphen feature?
        Many thanks

        • My Apologies Ella, we normally get the opposite question so I definitely read that too fast. Would you mind creating a new forum topic and please include the link to a page you’d like to modify text on in your website? We can inspect it and try providing some CSS to help resolve this for you.

          Thanks Ella!

  2. Is there any way to increase the space between paragraphs? I would just really love for there to be about 40% more space than there is currently between all paragraphs.

    • Hi Danielle,

      The easiest way to accomplish this would be by using the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder editor. When editing a post or page if you click any paragraph you should see the orange element toggle appear to the left of it. You can click that toggle and use the “Advance Control” tab to add margin or padding to the bottom of your paragraph.

      I hope this helps!

  3. Thank you Brandon. I managed to do it by:
    1. downloading Lato 2 files
    2. converting ttf to woff
    3. overwriting two files in /wp-content/fonts/lato/
    S6uyw4BMUTPHjx4wWCWtFCc.woff (17KB)
    S6uyw4BMUTPHjxAwWCWtFCfQ7A.woff (3KB)
    with content from
    Lato-Regular.woff (355KB)

    The font files are now 10 and 100 times bigger now… but what can I do!?

    • Hi SA, You’re most certainly welcome and I’m happy to hear you were able to come up with a solution for this. As far as your file sizes you may be able to host those files offsite using a CDN. That should take some of the load off of the actual website.

  4. For the life of me, my main font is giant on some pages and tiny on others. It took HOURS to get palette colors to stick. I don’t know why this is called “easy.” I’ve spent an entire day just trying to change fonts, colors, and add a blog post — oh, and I haven’t even mentioned how long it took to get blog into my menu.
    Am I supposed to make one change, sign out, then come back in an hour to see if it took effect? This is beyond frustrating.

  5. Hello, I am using Lato as my main font, but it does not support diacritics (șț). There is a version of Lato2 that supports diacritics. How can I use that font instead?

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