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Many websites have the active link, meaning the page the user is currently on, styled differently than the rest of the menu. For example, if a user is on the Contact page then the Contact link in the menu would use these settings.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Menus → Menu Location → Menu Items → Active Link Style

You will see three option that you can change: Link Color, Background Color, and Border.

How to Change the Active Link Color

  • Click on Link Color
  • Click on the palette color that you wish to use
  • Click on Publish to save your selection

How to Change the Active Link Background Color

  • Click on Background Color
  • Click on the palette color that you wish to use
  • To remove the background color click the eraser icon
  • Click on Publish to save your changes

How to Change the Active Link Border and Border Radius

  • Click on Border
  • Select a Border Type option
  • Use the sliders to control the widths of your border sides
  • Click on the palette color that you wish to use
  • Click Publish to save your changes

The Border Radius controls the roundness of your element’s corners. A higher border radius values creates more rounded corners. You can use the responsive tools to customize border options at different screen sizes.

  • Scroll down to Border Radius
  • Use the sliders to adjust the roundness of the four corners
  • Click Publish to save your changes

Note: You can use the Undo Changes option to remove current changes or Delete Saved Settings to reset to the default options.




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