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How to change the Menu Link Color

In order to change the color of the menu links you will need to be in the Menu Items section.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Menus → Menu Location → Menu Items → Link Color
  • Click on the palette color that you wish to use
  • Click on Publish in order to save your selection

How to change the Menu Link Hover Style

In order to change the style of menu links on hover you will need to be in the Menu Items section.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Menus → Menu Location → Menu Items → Hover Style
  • Click on the palette color that the text will change to on hover
  • Click on Publish in order to save your selection

There are also a number of Hover Effects that you can choose from, or leave at No Hover Effects to simply have the color change. When the hover effect is enabled, you will see the color selected used for the effect when the mouse hovers over the selected menu item.

Want more hover styles to choose from? Upgrade to Crio Pro today!

How to Change the Borders for Menu Links

The settings here change the border and border radius that appears on every menu item. If you want to control the border and border radius on the entire menu area click here.

  • In the Dashboard navigate to AppearanceCustomize
  • In the Customizer menu navigate to Design → Menus → Menu Location → Menu Items → Border
  • Select a Border Type option
  • Use the sliders to control the widths of your border sides
  • Click on the palette color that you wish to use
  • Click Publish to save your changes

The Border Radius controls the roundness of your element’s corners. A higher border radius values creates more rounded corners. You can use the responsive tools to customize border options at different screen sizes.

  • Scroll down to Border Radius
  • Use the sliders to adjust the roundness of the four corners
  • Click Publish to save your changes

Note: You can use the Undo Changes option to remove current changes or Delete Saved Settings to reset to the default options.




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12 thoughts on “Changing the Menu Link Styles

  1. Hi,

    I am trying to change the main menu font color. Its currently in its default blueish color (as hyperlinks usually are) but I can’t seem to find the option to do it.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Hi Zan! Thanks for reaching out, you can change the main menu font color directly from your Crio/WordPress customizer by navigating to Appearance > Design > Menus > Main Menu > Menu Items > Link Color.

      I hope this helps! If you have any other questions for us don’t hesitate to start a new forum topic and include the URL to your website so that we can begin troubleshooting.

      • Hi. Thanks for the feedback but I already tried this and I have both Link Color and Sub Menu Link color set to orange however the main menu is still blue.

        • It’s possible there’s some styling coming from elsewhere in your theme. We’d be happy to take a further look at this. Please start new forum topic and include the URL of your website so that we can inspect it and begin troubleshooting right away.

          Thank you.

          • Hi Zan,

            If you’ve already opened a premium ticket you’ll receive your next correspondence directly through that thread.

            Thank you

  2. Hello: i just installed Crio on my wordpress site and I’ve updated my color palette and I’ve pinned it and saved it and logged out and saved it again but I can’t change the link color palette, the button color palette, etc. The issued color palette are brown, reddish, yellow and white and I’ve been trying to update the palette to be a hues of purple, white and black. Thanks

    • Hi Kate,

      Thanks for reaching out. Link and Buttons have their own color controls in Crio Pro WordPress theme. From your WordPress Customizer Appearance > Design > Site Content > Links to access your link settings.

      You’ll find your Button colors at Appearance > Design > Buttons to access button settings.

      I hope this helps!

  3. Something has happened with an update to Crio, and now my main navigation has an red-orange bar underneath it that raises on hover. I’m trying to get rid of that bar altogether, but I don’t see where to set that.

    • Hi Peter!

      I just checked your theme and I no do not see the red bar mentioned below your main navigation menu. If this still isn’t resolved on your end try clearing all cache associated with your website, that includes browser cache and any server side caching you may have enabled.

      I hope this helps!

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