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The BoldGrid Crio WordPress Theme Framework allows you to control the display of your single blog posts, adding controls for multiple components of the page. The following guide outlines the usage of these controls so that you can customize single blog posts.

Navigate to the Customize Single Blog Post Menu

  • Log into the WordPress Dashboard
  • Navigate to Customize → Design → Blog → Posts


Pro Feature
The title section allows you to control the display of post titles on the single blog post globally. You also have the option of changing this per post, from within the Post and Page Builder using the page attributes section. The options include whether or not the title is displayed, as well as controls for setting the color, position and font size for Post Titles.


You have options to put the post content in either a Fixed Width container or Full Width. This refers to the container the content resides in, allowing you to change your website’s look and feel.

The sidebar section allows you to choose the way your single posts display on a global basis. Your options are no sidebar, right sidebar or left sidebar. This can be changed per post from within the Post and Page Builder using the post attributes section.


Post Meta

Pro Feature
The Post Meta controls in BoldGrid Crio allow you to choose whether or not your Post Meta displays inline, on a new line or is hidden.

If you choose to display Post Meta, you also have the option of hiding the date and changing the format and color, as well as adjusting the author display and link color.

There is an option to show the Published or Modified date. If you want the date the post was first published to show, use the default Published option. If you’d like to display a new date each time a post is updated, choose Modified.

Each Post can have many different Tags. These Tags can be Hidden if desired. The Tags can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.

The list of Tags also has an Icon to the left of the list. This Icon can be changed and there are different settings for if the Post has one Tag or multiple Tags.

Each Post can have 0 or many different Categories. These Categories can be Hidden if desired. The Categories can use the Global Color from Site Content or a Custom Palette Color. The Custom settings also change the Text and Hover Style.

The list of Categories also has an Icon to the left of the list. This Icon can be changed and there are different settings for if the Post has one Category or multiple Categories.

Post Navigation Links

Post Navigation Links are the links at the bottom to older or newer posts. In BoldGrid Crio, you have the option of whether or not these show, and what color they are if they are displayed.

Post Navigation Link Text

Pro Feature
With Crio Pro you can change from the default Post Title to any text you want, right from the Customizer.

Congratulations! You now know how to use the Single Post Customization options within BoldGrid Crio.




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6 thoughts on “Customizing Your Single Blog Posts with BoldGrid Crio

  1. Is there a way to switch the post navigation links around where the newer post is on the left, and older one on the right? The Crio theme has direction arrows in the link text.

    • Hi Gabby,

      I think we should be able to accomplish that with a small amount of custom CSS. If you don’t mind starting a new forum topic we can take a look into it for you. Be sure to include the URL of your website inside the forum thread that way we can get on it right away for you.

      We look forward to hearing from you!

  2. Determines whether the query is for an existing single post of any post type (post, attachment, page, custom post types).

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